Saturday, June 29, 2013

Whip it. Whip it good.

Whipped Feta

I saw this post on how to make whipped feta.

And it made me smile.

- It's cheese.
- It looks like cream.
- It's going to be like a party in your mouth.

I say Whip it. Whip it good.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Poor man's eyelash curler

There is so much we can transform about ourselves with good hair and makeup.
And with youtube there is a lot to learn.

The other day my brother-in-law who is not metrosexual and knows nothing about styling women explained how I can back-comb my hair and add volume to it and make a bun of some sort.
Clearly he was only trying to shock me with his newfound knowledge that he acquired from a University called youtube. You know those pointless ads that play before the video you want to watch? I just realized people actually watch them and don't always hit the 'skip ad after 5 seconds' button.

To be honest youtube has taught me how to wear a mundu and do smokey-eye makeup.
And I'm not the only one.
One of my friends loves trying random beauty and makeup tricks.
And now she has made eyelashes her new obsession.
She has bought herself a pair of fake lashes and she can't stop trying to convince me to try on a pair myself.

I have a tough time putting eyedrops in my own eyes so the thought of glueing something to my eyes just terrifies me.

Will I end up glueing them shut?
Will it feel like my eyes have wings?
Will a simple action like blinking feel like I have to fasten my seatbelt for takeoff and landing?

Clearly such beautification is not for me.

I'd like to think that I've been blessed with nice, dark Indian eyelashes and so with a little bit of mascara I'm good to go. But to be honest, most of the time I don't even wear mascara since the 'Advance thinking area' of my brain starts ringing the warning bell and makes me realize that I probably won't want to wash my face after a long night which may make me look like a Panda when I wake up.

And not even a cute one.

So, if you're like me and you don't like glueing on eyelashes, wearing mascara or looking like a panda but still want to do your bit and look awesome, try this.

I call it The Poor Man's Eyelash Curler.

Well, what else do you call a spoon?

Happy Eyelash curling!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Beer therapy

Photo by me.
Who doesn't love a cold beer on a hot day?
You ask a cow and his answer will be Moo.
[Moo being Yes in cow language. It could easily also be interpreted as No but I'm a glass half full kind of girl so I'll go with Yes].

It's supposed to be good for your kidneys [or that's a lie made up by an alcoholic].

It gives you a quick belly if you're interested in sporting a belly dancer look soonish.

And it's also supposed to be a great conditioner for your hair.

I tried it once but I don't know if it actually worked or whether consuming it prior to using it as a conditioner made me believe that it worked.

But then I found this.

Is it a shampoo made of beer? Or a beer made of shampoo?
Well, it's supposed to be a shampoo and maybe not even a very good one but there's only one way to find out.

So I have decided to be my own guinea pig and bought it on Flipkart.

How bad can it be right?

But, what if it was the other way around - beer made out of shampoo - would you try it?

Do you even know how it's actually made?

When I was little, my enthusiastic family decided to make beer at home so I know a thing or two about it. The beer was made and kept in the loft and once the bottles started popping we had a lot of family and friends over who helped consume it. And now I know where I get the wanting-to-be-a-guinea-pig enthusiasm from.

So basically beer is usually made from barley (and sometimes wheat or rice) but after reading this article I think anything is possible.

If you can make beer out of elephant dung then why not shampoo?

There's only one way to find out.

And now it's your turn to be the guinea pig.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Eat your Art out

I love good food.
It makes me so happy.

I ate an amazing chocolate cake at Serafina a few days ago.
I could seriously marry it and have it's babies.
Too weird a description of cake?

But don't you just love it when food doesn't just taste so good but even looks so good.

Presentation is everything.
It makes my mouth water 10% more.
Too much info?

I came across this article and thought wow!
I am a big fan of art and a big fan of food.
So when you marry the two, how can it not be perfection?

Vermeer's 'The Girl with a Pearl Earring'
Edvard Munch's ' The Scream'
Salvador Dali's 'Persistence of Memory'
Rene Magritte's 'The Son of Man'
Van Gogh's 'Sunflowers'
A Jackson Pollock painting
Claude Monet's 'Water Lily Pond'

Frida Kahlo's Self Portrait

So pull up a chair.

Bon Apetit!

Food art by Norway based food artist, Ida Skivenes.
Photo comparisons by me.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Youwanamassaa? [to be said in a Thai accent]

So what are your thoughts on massages?
The regular kind for aches and pains.
Not the illegal-in-most-countries kind that's just wrong.

I've always been weirded out by massages.
Firstly, they make you wear a paper-like underwear that makes you look like Donald Duck which let's face it is not a good look for anyone.
And then the thought of having a random woman rub oil on me - Ewww!

The thing is I work at the computer all day with the posture of the hunchback of NotreDame.
I have tried yoga and a hot bag but I somehow wake up with some aches everyday.
I think this explains why.

I was probably a Giraffe in my last life. Who knows!?

So getting a massage is just something I'm going to have to learn to love.
And if I manage to block out the awkwardness of it all, it's pretty cool.
So I've decided to go.
Even if sometimes my reason for going has something to do with the fact that I'm too lazy to make myself a glass of green tea at home.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Dear rain, I hate you like I love you.

It rained last night.

And we acknowledged this very normal yearly phenomenon by facebooking & instagramming it.
Oh the 21st century drama!

I saw that coming the second the first drop of rain hit the ground.
And I am no social media guru.

Photo by me.

What is rain?

Is the sky crying because the summer is saying goodbye?

Or is it a happy farewell party in the clouds?
With clouds overflowing with champagne.
Toasts thats sound like thunder.
And disco lights that we call lightning.

Well, I have a sort of love-hate relationship with rain.

What I loved about it was how it would always make the city look suddenly very clean.
And as you may have noticed - Bombay needs a shower. Atleast once a year.

Growing up, I always waited for the first rain.
I would go downstairs and play and dance around in the rain during the first shower.
Clearly, I skipped reading the acid rain part of my science textbook.

And these days sometimes I secretly don't like the rain.
I don't like lugging an umbrella everywhere. Or getting my feet dirty. Or being surrounded by insects.
Ok, who am I kidding? I just can't stand it when the TV stops working.
And somehow it only comes on during the commercials.
Oh rain! You are such a tease!

What can I say?

I just love-hate you.

If this was a Bollywood movie, this kind of confusion that involves such feelings would make me break into song. So here it is...

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mango magic

In the summer I wake up every morning and eat 3 mangoes for breakfast.
And then a couple more through the day.
It makes me a happier person.
Maybe it's just the sugar.
Whatever works right?

So I went and got myself a mango milkshake.

And then went mango shopping.

And then had some mango for dessert.

And with that mango high I decided to convert my tablemat (from Suzette) to a work of art on my frame wall.

It's beautiful. It's free (besides the frame) and it brings back happy mangoey memories.

Thank you Suzette.

All photos by me.
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