Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Waiting on the World to Change

Atleast weather wise.

Photo by me.
Isn't this weather making you crazy?
Like the rain is hiding in the clouds. Just for fun. Like a tease.

Well, I know it's on it's way.
Because when you know you know (atleast with rain if not with men).

It's fuubutsushi.


Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Monday

Good Morning Deer.

And the Rest of you Animals.

I'm one year older. 

The cake is over.

We have a new Prime Minister. 

And it's Monday.

I don't own a flux capacitor.

But since Saturday, I do own a hula hoop.

Time to shake it off and have a great week.

Video by me.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Birthday weekend

It was my birthday yesterday but I'm pretending that it's not over yet.
Because it ain't over till it's over.
But it is over so that didn't make any sense.
I just wanted to throw in a Lenny Kravitz song title.

The birthday was amazing.
I had everyone singing to my tune (see video)

To summarise it was full of




What more could a girl ask for?

I don't just love presents for obvious reasons but because it's like a test of friendship.
It tells me how well someone knows me.
So if a friend got me nothing, well, thats -100 points to Slytherin.

And now I'm just writing nonsense so I can go back to pretending it ain't over.

Have a good weekend!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Crazy nails

So here's the truth - I hate painting my nails.
I have done a manicure twice in my life.
Once for my sister's wedding (because I believed that all the guests had come just to see the bride's sister's nails) and once when a friend forced me to get one (I didn't have a choice).

So why have I dolled up my nails just twice in close to 3 decades?
Well, it's too much effort.
Nailpolish takes a lifetime to dry.
It only looks perfect for maybe 2-3 days.
And since I am not ambidextrous, the nails on my left hand look like they were painted while I was blindfolded and was trying to hit a pinata (my nails) with a stick (the nailpolish) and missed.

But then my friend (the manicure forcer) gifted me a pack of Sally Hansen Real Nail Polish strips.
Not only are they awesome with their wide range of patterns but they're also super easy to apply. And they don't take any time to dry. Yay!

Photo by me.
So for the next 10 days my fingernails are going to be quite houndstoothy.
I know that's not a word but there's no better way to describe it.
And since I was bored I did my toes as well.

So whether you're into nail art or even if you're not but are just bored one afternoon, give it a try.
I'd advise putting a transparent top coat just to keep it together for a little longer.
And you can take it off with regular nailpolish remover.
Watch the video if you're not convinced or are confused by my explanation.

20 Trendy Nail wraps
Available on Amazon. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Comfort Food

What do you consider to be good comfort food?
For me it's always been Pasta.
Spaghetti to be specific.

All I need is spaghetti, a homemade tomato sauce, grated cheese and a TV and I'm all set.
Don't worry, I don't eat the TV. I just watch it.
TV's don't really mix well with tomato sauce.

Pasta; It's what I eat when I'm sad, have just recovered from an illness or have come back from a long holiday and missed home.
Ok, so to be honest I just eat it all the time.
It makes me happy.

Everyone who knows me well enough knows about this love of mine.
And I have a beautiful pasta poster from Italy that hangs in my kitchen thanks to such friends.

Yesterday, while wasting my afternoon on Instagram, I came across a book called The Geometry of Pasta.
It's about Pasta.
And it doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
But it's not only about making pasta but about making the perfect pasta.
Pairing the right pasta shape with the right sauce.
And how to get it right and turn from an average cook to a great cook.
Atleast that's what it says on the website.

To me, the book looks great.
What it is, is an amazing compilation of recipes by critically acclaimed chef Jacob Kenedy and uber-cool black and white illustrations by Caz Hildebrand.
And it seems to have great reviews too.

For those of you who spill sauce over all your beautiful cookbooks, here's some good news for you  - an App is also being developed.
So you can save the book and just mess up your gadgets instead.

But till the App is available in the App store, you can cover your book with one of these beauties - the Book on Book glass cover by Tent.

Buon Appetito!

Buy the book here. And other stuff here.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Midweek Blues

For all of you going through what we call the midweek blues, I've got just what you need.
It's a website called Make everything OK.

Here's how the website works.

Click on Make Everything OK.


And you're done.

Everything is OK now.

My current problem: Trying to get off my ass and wash my hair.

Print via Etsy.
If only this website could take care of it for me.
In summer, I pretty much want to wash my hair every 5 mins.
And since I am aspiring to be Pocahontas, life is hard.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Break it down

Since I was a little girl, I've always loved dancing.
I've always been a little shy so I'd never be the first person on the dance floor but I'd get there at some point.

Growing up, I did enjoy my dance class - I think what I learnt could be categorized as Contemporary Jazz.
Later on I even went for a couple of Salsa classes which was fun.
And more recently I tried Zumba
Now I don't know whether to call it a dance class or an exercise class though it doesn't matter since what I was doing there was neither one.

But let me tell you, one of the dances I was fascinated by but never really got down to perfecting was Breakdance.
Well, to be honest that's not how the story goes.
My sister just wanted a pair of those fingerless gloves so she could pretend to be Michael Jackson and breakdance.
And me?
I just wanted to do everything she did.

And then this morning while I was browsing I came across a video of monks breakdancing in an annual tribute to Adam 'MCA' Yauch of the Beastie Boys (who was a devout Buddhist and fought for Tibetan independence).

MCA-DAY "Buddhist Monks" from KNARF® New York on Vimeo.

And then I realized what my sister and I were wanting to do wasn't breakdancing.
It was simply called - wanting to wear gloves.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Good Juicery is here to save you this summer

I have always been the biggest fan of fruit juice.
If you see my Instagram bio it says -  Graphic designer and orange juice addict.

I can go for days without drinking any water but the first thing I have to drink every morning is a glass of juice. Any fruit juice.
My favourites are orange, watermelon, sweet lime, apple and grape.
So I pretty much drink any juice as long as it's sweet and freshly squeezed.
Yes, I am a princess who doesn't like juice from cartons.

But then I came across the locally made canned juices by Good Juicery.
Ok, so they're not like the freshly squeezed juices that I'm used to enjoying.
But they're amazing and very refreshing.
They have sparkling juices available in 3 flavours - Apple, Passion Fruit and Pink Guava.
And they have no artificial colours or added preservatives.

I had had their juices at restaurants around the city and loved them.
So, when they asked me to make a video for them, I was more than thrilled.
I love juice & I love making art.
So making art for a juice company seemed pretty exciting.

From 13-15 May 2014, Good Juicery will be travelling around Mumbai in their orange Ambassador selling icy cold cans of sparkling juices to Mumbaikars in need.
Locations will be announced via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Disclaimer: Good Juicery is a client. But that's not why I am promoting their juices. They are actually good.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

There's no place like home.

Because Home is where your Mom is.

I know Mother's Day, like many other days has been created so everyone can make some money while you shop for your mother.
But who cares?
In my opinion, everyday should be Mother's Day.

So do something special for your mother today.

I was thinking of making some art for her or cooking her something.
And then I saw this.
 Chocolates by Chef Jorge Llanderal
What a brilliant way of killing two birds with one stone.

Happy Mother's Day!

Typographic video by me.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Who run the world

Q: Who run the world?
A: Girls

Q: Who run the world?
A: Girls

Q: Who run the world?
A: Girls

No - oh - oh - oh - oh - oh- oh - oh- oh - oh.

The correct answer is Beyonce.

Atleast that's what was taught to us on last week's SNL sketch starring Andrew Garfield with a cameo by Kiefer Sutherland who plays Jack Bauer.
It's one of the funniest videos I have ever seen.

Lesson: Don't mess with Beyonce or the Beygency will come and get you.

Friday, May 9, 2014

It's time for a Tattoo

Don't get fooled by the title of this post.
I'm not getting a tattoo.
Well, atleast not a real one.
To put it simply, I'm a wuss who has commitment issues with permanent art.

Now I'm not much of a cook.
To put it simply, I am lazy and have no patience.
But whenever my mum is making a lasagne or cannelloni, I love assiting her in assembling everything.
So I'm guessing that means I have some interest.

And then today I read about I Tradizionali on Fast Co. Design.

I Tradizionali shows us a fun way to cook without a recipe book.
They make cool temporary tattoos of recipes.
All you have to do is slap on the tattoo on your wrist.
And you're set.
No need to waste time browsing through books or your iPad searching for Youtube videos.

In this way you can also have a badass look from a distance (it is a recipe after all, and not a skull).
And wash it off once you're done.

If you're a fan of well designed temporary tattoos, also check out Tattly - because they're the coolest.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Les Ballons Rouges

Have you watched the movie Le Ballon Rouge by Albert Lamorisse?
I watched it on Youtube last year and fell in love with it.
It's just the sweetest little movie.
And it won Lamorisse an Oscar.

I would tell you what it's about but I think it's better if you watch it yourself.
And it's only 34 minutes.

I thought of the movie this morning because while I was doing my daily browsing, I came across this magical chair on Design Milk.
Possibly because there are a bunch of ballons rouges that appear to be tied to the chair.

And when I read the article, I realised that that's exactly what this Japanese designer, was inspired by while creating this beauty of a chair.
Because sometimes you just want to float away.

Well, the designer is no magician. He just fixed the (always inflated) balloons and chair to the wall.
But isn't it great how the simplest things can amaze you?

Check out the designer's other works. Just incase you want a bench or a lamp to go with that chair.

via Design Milk

Disclaimer: The little girl does not come with the chair. She's just there to add to the coolness.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

I am a Mango

Wake up and smell the mango, people!

It's that time of the year again.

I feel so happy I could do a little jig every morning.

To be honest I started eating mango a couple of weeks ago, when they weren't that great but the familiar taste was enough to make me happy.
I'm not hard to please. Especially if you're a mango.

I call it God's own fruit - sweet to the core.

They say You are what you eat.
So then I suppose for the next couple of months I am a suitcase of mangoes.

Photo and video by me.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Free Hugs

As you may have read in this post, I'm not very good at giving hugs.

So much so that my friends have gifted me such books.

Well, I'll be honest,
I haven't been practicing being less awkward.
I don't know if I'm crazy or normal but I still give people a half hug - where I just slide in from the side and hold their waist, avoiding possible chest to chest contact.
If you weren't paying attention, you wouldn't even know what happened.

You'd think...

Was that a hug?
Was I just encircled by a gust of wind?
Or was it Superman?

Worry not.
Look at what I found today
This amazing website.

So now you can be hugged all day.

Go nuts!
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