Let me explain my 5 basic holiday looks.
- I was busy making lists and lists as reminders for other lists before leaving. Too much chaos and too much time spent in figuring out what adaptor is used in Turkey (you don't need one) left no time for a pedicure which generally happens before a holiday. So I decided to go goth. Well, just my feet.
- The Audrey Hepburn fringe - I was far from having Breakfast at Tiffany's but thought what the hell, I may as well make it look like I did.
- The Bum-shorts - I lived in them for half the trip.
- The non-Stoneage look - In Cappadocia, I was all excited about the caves but sort of forgot about doing the Wilma Flinstone look unfortunately. I was too busy focusing on eating icecream to remember. So my cave look was unfortunately non-existent.
- The I'm from PETA look - Yes yes yes, I wore my cat dress. And noone cracked a single joke.
I planned on getting some shopping done and this plan was somewhat unsuccessful.
I wanted to get boyfriend jeans and maybe even a boyfriend jacket.
Basically all the boyfriend's clothes. Just not the boyfriend.
when can i borrow the cat dress :P
when you can pull it off.
which is never.
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